Learn more about the Services we provide and what they offer.
We are your experts in Yakima Valley and surrounding areas for all things related to commercial and residential pump repair.
Whether for wells, irrigation, municipal, sewer / waster water, Picatti Bros has the means and experience to service, repair, and install your pumps. We know this is critical infrastructure, and are on-hand to support you when it counts most.
We can test water on the home portion of services - we do a lot of this work for realtors and new home buyers.
We also inspect pump systems prior to purchase; we want to make sure you're getting your money's worth!

Why Choose Picatti?
Service is essential. Choosing Picatti Bros. means absolute 24/7/365 on-call service for your service needs. We have a large stock of parts to get your water back on quickly. Sometimes our technicians can even solve your problem over the phone.
Picatti Bros. is more than just a standard pump company or motor shop. We’ve been serving Central Washington for over 90 years. With that history, we’ve enjoyed long lasting relationships with our customers and staff. We have the team, equipment, facilities, engineering resources, and most importantly the experience to meet and exceed our clients’ needs. We are proud of our reputation of exceptional quality, and we stand behind it with our 24/7/365 on-call service.